Established in July 2020, Kaleidoscope Lights was born out of a desire to better understand and develop the skills required to facilitate deeply collaborative engagements, and move towards more functional and relational impact ecosystems.

There is a groundswell of awareness and a readying for a change to our global framework underway. We are coming to accept that the way in which our economies and societies have worked for the past 200 years is no longer serving us or our planet well. In many different spheres, from politics, to economics, the environment, education, health and our social systems, we are witnessing synchronous calls for system transformation – for the development of systems that recognise our connection to each other, to our planet, and to ourselves. Repeatedly, we hear calls for better and more effective collaboration, for the recognition that we form part of a co-dependant ecosystem, and therefore need to start operating with a deep awareness of the effect that our actions have upon others and upon our planet. And yet – we still do not have the requisite skillsets for a move into this way of operating.

Kaleidoscope Lights, in company with others who are doing similar of work, seeks to better understand and support the growth and sharing of these skills, such that those who wish to are more effectively able to support the movement of our society, our economy and our relationships into genuinely co-creative and generative spaces.

“The new context that restores community is one of possibility, generosity and gifts, rather than one of fear, mistakes and self-interest. Citizens become powerful when they choose to shift the context within which they act in the world”

Community, the Structure of Belonging
Peter Block

“In the emerging 4.0 stage of our economy, the natural self-interest of the players extends to a shared awareness of the whole eco-system. Eco-system awareness requires us to open the heart and internalize the views and concerns of other stakeholders. The result is decisions and outcomes that benefit the whole system, not just my part of it.”

The Essentials of Theory U
Otto Scharmer