While advocacy and academic rigour are both essential elements for shifting social systems towards collaboration and ecosystemic, interdependent approaches, their key value lies in the relationship that they hold with the practical work being done to implement such shifts.
At the heart of Kaleidoscope Lights is the key commitment to real, grassroots through to systems level support for practical change projects that allow for the coherent evolution of collaborative infrastructures, and the development of living, self-evolving, self-sustaining social ecosystems in which deep awareness of the whole system, and each entity’s place within that system, is progressively cultivated.
For Kaleidoscope Lights, most of this practical work will be focussed on human systems, and in particular on human development and the facilitation of engaged, communicating and self-evolving networks to allow for the optimisation of human potential from infancy, through education, into the world of work and adulthood, and beyond into the legacy years.
Such work can never be achieved in isolation – it requires a rich and resilient living system of partners. In itself, the practical elements of this work necessitate the evolution of highly engaged, well-functioning partnership and collaboration networks, providing a living learning lab for the work being done.